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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Science behind Indian Superstitions

No matter which part of the world you tour, you will find the people nurturing certain beliefs and superstitions and India is no exception in this case. Though the Indian society is fast progressing, there are many people who are still superstitious and have a strong faith in the local beliefs. Most of the beliefs have originated from  Indian religious texts and scriptures.

Superstition is a belief that can be negated by common sense or scientific knowledge based on evidence. With the passage of time, the reasoning part behind the origin of these religious beliefs got eroded. That is exactly why most of these beliefs appear unsubstantiated and false. However, in reality, there are many such beliefs in the Indians culture which are absolutely absurd and have no logic behind them.

Superstitions originated perhaps, when man was at the mercy of the natural elements. He respected and worshiped the forces of nature like the sun, the moon, water etc. He worshiped fire because of its destructive ability. When man started falling prey to diseases he started appeasing the gods with offerings, penances and sacrifices to ward off evil spirits.